Tension field of time dimensions


are millions of years old, they document
the history of the earth.


are testimonies of human culture and an attempt to record human experience and effectiveness.


are the results of the human desire of persistence.


show transformations over immense periods
of time, e.g. metamorphic rocks.

Assertion of man through cultural achievements, the desire to enter history
through tradition,
not least by means of books.

Books show traces of use, were burned, damaged or destroyed
by forces of nature and humans.

Rocks weather, are subject to natural changes, have been used as material
in architecture and art since protohistoric times

In the bronze doors of St. Zeno in Verona of the 12th century
a stone book maker is depicted.

I wish the visitor joy in viewing the books.

May he find his own 'Lesart'.



Thoughts that accompany me while creating stone books.